Tuesday 28 August 2012

day 1

So, I guess I'm hired then! I have yet to give them my banking information, but I am an employee (I think) at my new job. It was definitely different from what I am use to when it comes to work, but hey, you gotta start somewhere! I think I did a pretty darn good job for my first try if I do say so myself, and it can only get better! I do like it there and I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with it!

Monday 27 August 2012


So guess vat guuuuys - I might have a new job!
I have my first shift there tomorrow to see if I do okay and if they wanna keep me! Which is super awesome! Woo! :D Hopefully things work out! I'll keep you all posted! <3

Tuesday 14 August 2012


        So today, I filmed an awesome film with Peter and friends, it is going to be absolutely fantastic! It is going to involve lots of smiles and happiness! That's pretty much all I have done today, besides sleeping... However, the past little while, I have only been working so not too much is happening on the 'me' front.
        I am very excited for school though! I need to get some education stuff like a laptop (and in a perfect world, an ipad as well) so life will be a little easier and fast paced, rather than sitting and waiting for things to load on my computer like I usually do ._. Also I can get some of the games that I have always wanted: h'awww yeah.

        So, I am going to dye my hair pretty colors soon. I wanna do like a cherry red color with a new cut, which I think would be super nice. I love it when people have cherry red hair :3 It just makes me super happy! I hope it ends up looking okay! The picture is actually the cut i want, except just a bit shorter on the bangs and the side part and in the length itself. One of the things that I freaking me out though about it is that it requires extensions. I use to be very anti-extensions, since having fake hair or other people's hair on your head is kinda creepy to me...but when I actually saw someone getting their hair cut with them in and stuff, I ended up changing my mind. Plus, a lot of the hairstyles that I am in love with need hair extensions in order to get the look that it requires. There is an issue with extensions though...apparently it can lead to premature hair loss. This is, obviously, sort of scary to me, but I am wondering if it is something that should be a serious concern or if it is just something that happens, but not that often. I don't really know, but I am a little spooked and that is one of the reasons I am hesitating so much. If the probability of losing your hair is low, then I will have a much easier time going and doing it. Apparently it only happens when you have them in for too long, but I mean, how long is too long? There are some people that have theirs in constantly for a long period of time, and they sure don't seem to have any problems with it...I dunno. I'll look more into it.
        Also I am playing Zelda: Skyward Sword a lot too, and I frickin' love that game...I think I might even like it better than Twilight Princess *gasp* For those who do not know, that is my all time favorite Zelda game, and for me to say that I might like something else better is, well, pretty darn radankadank. The one complaint that I have about Skyward Sword is that it doesn't have anything to do with Ganandorf or Hyrule or anything like that...I would think of it more as a true Zelda game that fits into the regular story-line for the past Zelda games (wow, that made no sense). I guess I understand a bit after thinking about why Nintendo did that...probably because they don't have anything else to add on from that original story-line that involved Ganandorf and Hyrule and stuff like that. Perhaps they just needed something new to create a story from - therefore changing the Legend of Zelda in a unique, and unexpected way.
        Well, that's all I got for today, my lovelies! I shall see you all very soon! Also, I wish my friend Ragnar a very happy birthday on August 15th :3 I hope he is going to have a wonderful, fun, and happy day! Love you guys! <3

Wednesday 1 August 2012

change of plans

So, today there is a major change of plans when it comes to work.

I am going to keep my original job and quit my new one. The way that the whole scheduling shananigans are happening with it just aren't up to par, and plus a lot of really good things are happening for me at my original job - not only have I got promoted, but I also have been asked if I would be interested in being prepped to become a manager. Obviously, I said yes.

So since all of these wonderful things are happening, and some things are going on at the new place I'm at that I am not entirely happy with, I decided to stay at my original job. I think that it has a lot on store for me and can support me the most financially - and that is always good! :D

Thursday 26 July 2012

i wish i wasn't so sensitive...

I wish I wasn't so sensitive. I mean, I take everything way to seriously and very personally. Like, everything. If someone says something to me in a tone or something, I take it in a very insulting way :I Dang it. It makes it hard to deal with things, as simple as they might be. Like, if someone unsubscribes to me on whatever for example, I would get feelings hurt. I mean, really? Why should I even be upset about that? Especially if I don't even know the person. Man...so dumb. It's just a characteristic that can be double-edged sword I suppose...

Sunday 15 July 2012


wow, i hate it when you are constantly tired - even if you do get the right amount of sleep in the evening! i mean, what's up with that? i am always tired (and i always look like i am so exhausted) and it just doesn't seem fair...

Wednesday 11 July 2012

vlogs vlogs vlogs!

I am starting to make my own personal vlogs on my channel now! If you guys want to check it out, that would be rad! Any suggestions for vlogs would also be amazingly cool as well!


Thursday 28 June 2012


So it has been a whole year since I graduated...and it feels super weird. I went to my wonderful cousin's grad today and it was really nice :) I remember my own grad day...man, that was so awesome. I was so excited the whole day (I'm sure everyone was!) and it was superbly amazing! Spending the day and night (and next morning) with my friends was so fantastic; it was perfect!
Well...it was a nice flashback! :3 Cheers to all who graduated in the class of 2012!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Monday 25 June 2012

just for lolz

snake biiiiites! :o

be nice to fast food workers!!

Just a general message - please be nice to fast food workers!

People are so rude lately to fast food people! For instance, I was being trained on till the other day, and as I was trying to take people's orders, some guys was snickering and laughing at me! For goodness sake people! I should have just said "Hey, are you going to keep being a dick, or can I take your order?"

Also, I also have heard people go through drive-through and say awful things to the people working in drive through! Such as saying "Are you frickin' kidding me?" after we specifically said we would be with them in just a moment.

I wish some people would just be more respectful to workers at fast food restaurant workers! We're just trying to make a living too, and when people are rude like that, it makes our shift awful. We respect you, so please respect us. Thanks.

Monday 18 June 2012

news from ashley

Well, as you all may know, I applied to the Faculty of Architecture. However, I didn't get in this time around. due to the fast that I didn't have a science course. That's okay though! :) Sure it sucks that it didn't work out the first time, but I guess I'll just take an awesome science course and try, try again! :)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

kitty + pikachu = kittychu

Not necessarily a good thing to do with your cat...but still...THIS IS FREAKIN' ADORABLE <3

Sunday 20 May 2012

may long weekend

Why is May-long Weekend so popular and looked forward too? After all, it isn't the only long weekend that the world offers. Why does this one have to be so special and wonderful?

I understand that it is Queen Victoria's birthday on the Monday, and though I am fond of the past queen and long weekends, I don't quite understand why this one is so much more special than any other long weekends that are attached to holidays.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the long weekend, I just don't understand why it is so much more awesome than any other long weekend (or so it seems). Not that I actually got a long weekend at all...oh well! More monies for me!

Monday 14 May 2012

pandas are awesome

I think I decided that pandas are one of my favorite animals.

Anyways, I found this panda picture and it amused me, so I thought I would share it. Enjoy.

What if this was true...lol.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

messages in songs

There is this album that is so amazing (and everyone should buy it *cough cough*) called Vulnerable by The Used. The first track on the album, called "I Come Alive" is not only fantastic, but it also has a great message. 

This song is about how falling down in life, or going through a really tough time or hitting the bottom, can sometimes be the best thing that can ever happen to you.

And I couldn't agree more. 

I have been through some really hard times myself, which I'm sure that we all have, and I can say that even though it was hell to go through at that time, I have grown from them. Those times have - and are still - making me a better person as I rise up from those hard times. I am getting stronger as a person because of the hardships in my life and because of that, I am sort of thankful in a way that I hit the bottom. 

This song is a reminder of that for me; to take the bad things that have happened to you in the past and to grow from them. 

I try to be a stronger person, and so far so good :) Another good song (though VERY different from "I Come Alive") is Demi Levato's song "Skyscrapers". It's very pretty and also gives the same message about rising from your hardships and the strength you gain from those experiences.

In conclusion, always remember that when you hit the bottom, you have the strength to stand back up again and conquer your hardships. You are never alone and there will always be someone there to help you through your struggles and support you. You are loved and cared about, you have the strength to conquer anything.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

yay for procrastination!

Oh studying. How I do not get along with thee.

I do TRY to study and sometimes it works, but usually it doesn't and simply ends with me falling asleep on my books and getting nothing done at all. So helpful.

Also, instead of making a blog post right now, I really should be studying.

So I shall. Bye bye.

Sunday 8 April 2012

happy easter

                                                     HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
In celebration of this day, I thought it would be appropriate to show you all a cute picture of a rabbit!

                                                                 ...Wait. What.

Friday 6 April 2012

a reflection of facial hair

So. Facial hair.

I think facial hair has the potential to be very interesting and can be used very creatively to express ones self, I can't say that I find it attractive, but I do find it entertaining.

I wondered about the popularity of facial hair, and how many guys actually LIKE having it. A lot of my guy friends hate it and find it very uncomfortable. So why do so many men keep their facial hair? Is it a manly thing needed for manliness?

Manliness is super awesome and I approve of it very much. I find that beards and such are indeed in a sense manly, but so are many other things. Like oh...being a guy in general I suppose is pretty manly. About as naturally manly as you can get. But why the need facial hair? Perhaps it's the fact that they CAN rather than if they like it or not. I don't blame them. They can be pretty rad.

I find that facial hair is getting a lot of product made based on it lately. I don't mean mustache creams or sprays ( I have no clue what those would be...and I don't think I want to know) but rather necklaces and stick-on mustaches. All of these things are rad, by the way. I'm saying that  have seen a lot of it around lately. I wonder why it has become such a big things lately. Kind of like "Movember" (a charity movement that men do for prostate cancer research by not shaving for the month of November) which got big in the past few years. I know that there's a website where guys can become a member of the people doing "Movember" to raise money for their cause. I haven't actually been on the website but I should really check it out and see what it's all about a bit more.

What if women were the ones with the capability to grow massive beards and wicked mustaches rather than guys? I wonder how that would work out. Would women shave it off like they shave their legs and arm pits for hygienic and appearance purposes? Or would it be a symbol of womanliness and therefore is something that they should embrace rather than shave off?

Speaking of shaving legs, why don't men shave their legs, chest, or arm pits? I mean, it's still entirely visible (depending on what they wear at least) to the people around them, and wouldn't it affect them or bother them in similar ways as their facial hair does? Hair is hair, and can get all funky and stuff, so I wonder why guys don't shave that off too if they shave their faces. What's so special about the hair on ones face besides the fact that we see it all the time? We see their leg, chest, and pit hair anyways.

So much reflection. So much hair. So little time.

Sunday 1 April 2012

last week of school

Holy banana butts.

It's the last week of university. What.

Not that I'm complaining, but holy crap, it went so FAST. Where did the time go??

So much reading to do in so little time...I hope I get everything done!

Thursday 29 March 2012

sushi yumminess

Today was my dear friend's birthday, and a bunch of us went to a fantastic all you can eat sushi place. 

It was delicious and a pretty good price! I would totally go there again! I tried some eel today and some really cool kinds of tofu and it was just so delicious. They even had traditional short tables that you can either kneel at or put your legs under (the table was a normal height but was in the floor, so you still had room to put your legs down).When I figure out what the place is called again, I shall mention it in the blog.

Seriously, SO good <3

Monday 26 March 2012

hurrah for da moosic!

Music! Yay!

I recently visited a guitar store, and as I looked around (and found a guitar strap I am DYING to get, however I am hesitant to pay $30 bucks for it...) I have been inspired (...again) to learn how to play guitar. I will try again and I really want to do it this time. Maybe I'll save up my money and get a brand new one eventually when I know I'll actually play it!

Also, The Used are coming to Winnipeg. Oh yes. And I am pumped!

For those of you who aren't familiar with The Used, they are a rock band that are super awsome. They're songs are so good, and their lead singer once dated Kelly Osborne for a time (fun fact!).

I hope that guitar learning goes well for me and I SO want to go to the concert! I am going, there is no doubt about that!

No one can stop me! Bahahahahaaaa!

Well actually, someone totally could stop me from going as long as they had a good enough reason to stop me, to which I would be like "Oh okay, I totally understand, I suppose I won't go" which would be unfortunate but I mean things happen and if someone wants me to not go bad enough and it would shatter their soul if I went then I guess yes I would stay behind because I love my friend/family member and care for their well being, however if a total stranger was like "Hey, you shouldn't go, cuz if you do, the world will explode" then I would go anyways because I wouldn't believe the person since I don't trust them enough for them to be considered a reliable source.

So if the world does explode from me going to this concert, I am sorry.


Sunday 25 March 2012

what's up lately

Things are just mediocre unfortunately. Being really sick and all, I can't say that it's very much fun. Also being pressed for time in trying to finish an essay worth 30% of my final grade was a bit scary...and I paid for that with my sleep. 

Ooooooh sleep. How wonderful you are <3

Anyways, I have honestly been sitting around, sniffing, sneezing, coughing, playing Pokemon and reading Stephan King's " 'Salem's Lot" (which is SO good, by the way) for the past 3 days. I have also been eating a lot of crap. Which also makes me feel bad.

So basically, I'm trying to make a comeback. A comeback that involves me going out into the world and the sunshine once again and not plopped down on my butt playing Pokemon all the time (however, I'm no complaining...maybe I'll even take it with me on my walk! le hohoho *classy laugh*) 

Anywho, sorry if I have seemed rather distant lately. I don't mean anything by it, I've just been in a really tight life spot. But I'm comin' back! :D


Thursday 8 March 2012

my attempt at dealing with stress

This last little bit of life has been crazy for me.

I'm sure most of is are experiencing stress for one reason or another, but I suppose the best way to deal with it is to remember that all of it will eventually disappear.

For me, school is a big part of the whole stress shenanigans. I know it can be very overwhelming and the amount of work is so ridiculous, but we all just have to remember that in the end we will get it all done and everything is going to be just fine. I think sometimes we forget this, and that's what drives us crazy. I know that it gets me down a heck of a lot.

Today, I handed in my 3rd essay that was due in the past time after Reading Week, and I now have one more to go. I also wrote a test that I thought I was totally unprepared for. Nothing felt better than handing in the essay and finishing that test and knowing, "I'm done. It's gone."

Having that thought should bring some comfort. Even if before/during the time you are focused on a specific issue, just remember that after you do it, it's complete and gone. As hard as it is, try not to let what you are working on or thinking about control you. The most important thing is to take care of yourself, and that whatever you are stressing over will eventually be completed or go away. Even though sometimes we have trouble believing this (me especially), life will move on.

Hopefully this helped to give people inspirational ideas on how to better control stress. I'm no expert, that's for sure (in fact, I am a regular and intense victim of stress) but these thoughts seem to help.

Try them, They just might work for you too :)

Tuesday 6 March 2012


Oh man, Pokemon, how you control me.

I should totally be doing my horrendous amount of homework...but instead I have been playing Pokemon Platinum for over an hour...lol.

I love Pokemon so much though. Will I ever get anything done? We all know the answer to that one: nope.

I am SO screwed.


Monday 5 March 2012


I am currently playing Pokemon Platinum as I write this. And yes, I am having a fantastic time. 

I actually am, that wasn't sarcasm lol 

In my lovely party, I currently have an Abra, Shinx, Grotle, Psyduck, Bidoof, and a Ponyta :) I am hoping to get a super strong party of a bunch of different types of Pokemon (grass, fire, water, etc) so I can have an unstoppable team of awesome! And potentially using my Bidoof as an HM creature (lolz) I shall rule the universe! Mwahaha!

I started my game again from before (I pretty much beat it before, I just got stuck...I was missing one Pokemon from my Pokedex after beating everything (Elite 4 and such) and I had to fight my friends dad (?) so I could move on. However, I needed a completed Pokedex. *sigh*) so now I can try again and try something new. Instead of picking a fire type to start, a grass one seemed appropriate for a change :) 

This time, I will become a Pokemon master. Shabam.

Sunday 4 March 2012

pictures, pictures, and some more pictures

I just made a purdy collage. YAY!

I have to do one for a class, and it is very gorgeous. I enjoy it. It took a lot of glue, passion, and blood shed (not really...I was lucky enough not to suffer through some annoying paper cuts) to create, and I am proud of it (that part is true).

Honestly, collages are so much fun to make. I mean, my guess would be that everybody would rather do a collage than an essay or a paper or the "Beep Test" in gym (man, I am SO glad I never have to do that again...*knock on wood* I always sucked at it. Like, really bad.). Collages are just a really cool way to express yourself through the usage of media pictures, your own pictures, or other pieces of art.

I just hope my prof likes it as much as I do...lets hope so.

Saturday 3 March 2012

let's do this, yo.

Well, I guess I just started a blog.

I suppose it was just one of those things that you're mind was just like "Hey, I totally wanna start a blog" so you comply and go "...K." And you do it.

Pretty rad, no?

I think that this is going to be one of those blogs that I will just share random thoughts and such, nothing too drastic or intense or hard to read (this may be false. I really can't tell you right now though because I am not very good at predicting the future. Again however, I could be wrong and one day I could become the world's best fortune teller...but who can really say.)

I also intend on adding some art in this here blog. I hope you enjoy it. For that is it's purpose.

And with that, I conclude my first blog post.
