Thursday 28 June 2012


So it has been a whole year since I graduated...and it feels super weird. I went to my wonderful cousin's grad today and it was really nice :) I remember my own grad, that was so awesome. I was so excited the whole day (I'm sure everyone was!) and it was superbly amazing! Spending the day and night (and next morning) with my friends was so fantastic; it was perfect! was a nice flashback! :3 Cheers to all who graduated in the class of 2012!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Monday 25 June 2012

just for lolz

snake biiiiites! :o

be nice to fast food workers!!

Just a general message - please be nice to fast food workers!

People are so rude lately to fast food people! For instance, I was being trained on till the other day, and as I was trying to take people's orders, some guys was snickering and laughing at me! For goodness sake people! I should have just said "Hey, are you going to keep being a dick, or can I take your order?"

Also, I also have heard people go through drive-through and say awful things to the people working in drive through! Such as saying "Are you frickin' kidding me?" after we specifically said we would be with them in just a moment.

I wish some people would just be more respectful to workers at fast food restaurant workers! We're just trying to make a living too, and when people are rude like that, it makes our shift awful. We respect you, so please respect us. Thanks.

Monday 18 June 2012

news from ashley

Well, as you all may know, I applied to the Faculty of Architecture. However, I didn't get in this time around. due to the fast that I didn't have a science course. That's okay though! :) Sure it sucks that it didn't work out the first time, but I guess I'll just take an awesome science course and try, try again! :)