Tuesday 10 April 2012

yay for procrastination!

Oh studying. How I do not get along with thee.

I do TRY to study and sometimes it works, but usually it doesn't and simply ends with me falling asleep on my books and getting nothing done at all. So helpful.

Also, instead of making a blog post right now, I really should be studying.

So I shall. Bye bye.

Sunday 8 April 2012

happy easter

                                                     HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
In celebration of this day, I thought it would be appropriate to show you all a cute picture of a rabbit!

                                                                 ...Wait. What.

Friday 6 April 2012

a reflection of facial hair

So. Facial hair.

I think facial hair has the potential to be very interesting and can be used very creatively to express ones self, I can't say that I find it attractive, but I do find it entertaining.

I wondered about the popularity of facial hair, and how many guys actually LIKE having it. A lot of my guy friends hate it and find it very uncomfortable. So why do so many men keep their facial hair? Is it a manly thing needed for manliness?

Manliness is super awesome and I approve of it very much. I find that beards and such are indeed in a sense manly, but so are many other things. Like oh...being a guy in general I suppose is pretty manly. About as naturally manly as you can get. But why the need facial hair? Perhaps it's the fact that they CAN rather than if they like it or not. I don't blame them. They can be pretty rad.

I find that facial hair is getting a lot of product made based on it lately. I don't mean mustache creams or sprays ( I have no clue what those would be...and I don't think I want to know) but rather necklaces and stick-on mustaches. All of these things are rad, by the way. I'm saying that  have seen a lot of it around lately. I wonder why it has become such a big things lately. Kind of like "Movember" (a charity movement that men do for prostate cancer research by not shaving for the month of November) which got big in the past few years. I know that there's a website where guys can become a member of the people doing "Movember" to raise money for their cause. I haven't actually been on the website but I should really check it out and see what it's all about a bit more.

What if women were the ones with the capability to grow massive beards and wicked mustaches rather than guys? I wonder how that would work out. Would women shave it off like they shave their legs and arm pits for hygienic and appearance purposes? Or would it be a symbol of womanliness and therefore is something that they should embrace rather than shave off?

Speaking of shaving legs, why don't men shave their legs, chest, or arm pits? I mean, it's still entirely visible (depending on what they wear at least) to the people around them, and wouldn't it affect them or bother them in similar ways as their facial hair does? Hair is hair, and can get all funky and stuff, so I wonder why guys don't shave that off too if they shave their faces. What's so special about the hair on ones face besides the fact that we see it all the time? We see their leg, chest, and pit hair anyways.

So much reflection. So much hair. So little time.

Sunday 1 April 2012

last week of school

Holy banana butts.

It's the last week of university. What.

Not that I'm complaining, but holy crap, it went so FAST. Where did the time go??

So much reading to do in so little time...I hope I get everything done!